I wrote a short blog (with R Code) on how to calculate corrected CIs for rho and tau using the Fisher z transformation.


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I Will Not Ever, NEVER Run a MANOVA
I Will Not Ever, NEVER Run a MANOVA
A brief introduction to logistic regression
A brief introduction to logistic regression
Serious Stats: Obtaining CIs for Spearman's rho or Kendall's tau
Serious Stats: Obtaining CIs for Spearman's rho or Kendall's tau
Serious stats: Type II versus Type III Sums of Squares
Serious stats: Type II versus Type III Sums of Squares
Egon Pearson correction for Chi-Square
Egon Pearson correction for Chi-Square
Provisional programme: ESRC funded conference: Bayesian Data Analysis in the Social Sciences Curriculum (Nottingham, UK 29th Sept 2017)
Provisional programme: ESRC funded conference: Bayesian Data Analysis in the Social Sciences Curriculum (Nottingham, UK 29th Sept 2017)
STOP PRESS Introductory Bayesian data analysis workshops for social scientists (June 2017 Nottingham UK)
STOP PRESS Introductory Bayesian data analysis workshops for social scientists (June 2017 Nottingham UK)
Serious Stats blog: CI for differences in independent R square coefficients
Serious Stats blog: CI for differences in independent R square coefficients
ESRC funded Bayesian data analysis workshops for social scientists
ESRC funded Bayesian data analysis workshops for social scientists
Multicollinearity and collinearity (in multiple regression) - a tutorial
Multicollinearity and collinearity (in multiple regression) - a tutorial
Cronbach to the future
Cronbach to the future
Why faking data is bad ...
Why faking data is bad ...
Serious stats: using multilevel models to get accurate inferences for repeated measures ANOVA
Serious stats: using multilevel models to get accurate inferences for repeated measures ANOVA
Neuroscience, statistical power and how to increase it
Neuroscience, statistical power and how to increase it
The growth of Bayesian methods in psychology
The growth of Bayesian methods in psychology
Guest post: Visualizing data using a 3D printer
Yet more on p values ...
Yet more on p values ...
Serious stats book officially published
Serious stats book officially published
p values, the cliff effect and the nature of evidence
The stimuli-as-fixed-effect fallacy
The stimuli-as-fixed-effect fallacy
The aesthetics of error bars
Serious stats - free statistics resources
Serious stats - free statistics resources
Graphing between-subject confidence intervals for ANOVA
Graphing between-subject confidence intervals for ANOVA
p curves revisited
p curves revisited
R code for p curves
R code for p curves
Simulating p curves and detecting dodgy stats
On nonparametric statistics ...
On nonparametric statistics ...
Comparing correlations update
Comparing correlations update
Serious Stats book and blog update
Serious Stats book and blog update
More on "A problem of significance"
More on "A problem of significance"
Calculating and graphing within-subject confidence intervals for ANOVA
Calculating and graphing within-subject confidence intervals for ANOVA
A problem of significance
A problem of significance
R: An introduction for psychologists
R: An introduction for psychologists
Introduction to using R in research
Introduction to using R in research
Example of plotting a serial position curve in R
Interaction plot from cell means
When correlations go bad ... (Or, I always wanted to write about the Society for the Suppression of the Correlation Coefficient)
When correlations go bad ... (Or, I always wanted to write about the Society for the Suppression of the Correlation Coefficient)
Strathclyde multilevel modeling talk
Strathclyde multilevel modeling talk
A statistical puzzle about averages II
A statistical puzzle about averages II
A statistical puzzle about averages I
A statistical puzzle about averages I
R functions for Dienes (2008) Understanding Psychology as a Science
R functions for Dienes (2008) Understanding Psychology as a Science
Chi-square test of independence and the odds ratio
Chi-square test of independence and the odds ratio
Don't standardize interaction/moderator effects in multiple regression
Don't standardize interaction/moderator effects in multiple regression
R resources for psychologists
R resources for psychologists
Simulating data for inquiry based learning
Simulating data for inquiry based learning
Beyond ANOVA: from repeated measures to multilevel models
Beyond ANOVA: from repeated measures to multilevel models
An introduction to moderated multiple regression
An introduction to moderated multiple regression
How to calculate simple main effects using generic ANOVA software
How to calculate simple main effects using generic ANOVA software
What is all this stuff about sphericity in my repeated measures ANOVA output?
What is all this stuff about sphericity in my repeated measures ANOVA output?
What is a psychological statistics blog?
What is a psychological statistics blog?
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