The third and (possibly) final round of the workshops of our introductory workshops was overbooked in April, but we have managed to arrange some additional dates in June.
There are still places left on these. More details at:
As with the last round we are planning a free R workshop before hand (reccomended if you need a refresher or have never used R before). Unfortunately we can't offer bursaries for these additional workshops (as this wasn't part of the original ESRC funding).
They are primarily (but not exclusively) aimed at UK social science PhD students (so not just Psychology or Neuroscience, but very much also Sociology, Criminology, Politics and other social science disciplines). We hope the workshops will also appeal to early career researchers and others doing quantitative social science research (but with little or no Bayesian experience).
The registration cost for each workshop is £20 (for postgrads) and £30 (or others).
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