Provisional programme: ESRC funded conference: Bayesian Data Analysis in the Social Sciences Curriculum (Nottingham, UK 29th Sept 2017)
Bayesian Data Analysis in the Social Sciences Curriculum
Supported by the ESRC’s Advanced Training Initiative
Venue: Bowden Room Nottingham Conference Centre
Burton Street, Nottingham, NG1 4BU
Booking information online
Provisional schedule:
Thom Baguley twitter: @seriousstats
Mark Andrews twitter: @xmjandrews
Supported by the ESRC’s Advanced Training Initiative
Venue: Bowden Room Nottingham Conference Centre
Burton Street, Nottingham, NG1 4BU
Booking information online
Provisional schedule:
Thom Baguley twitter: @seriousstats
Mark Andrews twitter: @xmjandrews