Stop Press: Additional dates for the 2016 Prior Exposure Bayesian Data Analysis workshops
Places on the Easter Prior Exposure (introductory) workshops filled up very quickly and we had to turn away quite a few people. In response we’ve managed to arrange another set of events on 16 and 17 June (again with an optional R bootcamp on June 15th). Booking is now open:
(Details of the R bootcamp are here)
Unfortunately these extra dates aren't covered by the ESRC funding so we are not able to offer bursaries and have had to raise the booking fee slightly (£15 for students and £25 for others). Workshops 3 and 4 (the more advanced topics) will run later in the year (September) and will offer some bursaries (for UK doctoral students). We are also running everything again in 2017 (our final year before funding runs out).
(Details of the R bootcamp are here)
Unfortunately these extra dates aren't covered by the ESRC funding so we are not able to offer bursaries and have had to raise the booking fee slightly (£15 for students and £25 for others). Workshops 3 and 4 (the more advanced topics) will run later in the year (September) and will offer some bursaries (for UK doctoral students). We are also running everything again in 2017 (our final year before funding runs out).