ESRC Prior Exposure workshops: advanced Bayesian data analysis
There are still a few places left on our September Bayesian Data analysis workshops held in Nottingham Trent University on September 15 and 16, 2016.
These are part of the ESRC's Advanced Training Initiative and are aimed at PhD students and researchers (postdocs, lecturers, etc.) in social sciences.
The fees are £20 per workshop (£10 for PhD students). A limited number of bursaries to cover travel expenses for students are also available.
Full details about the workshops, as well as the online booking system can be found here.
These are part of the ESRC's Advanced Training Initiative and are aimed at PhD students and researchers (postdocs, lecturers, etc.) in social sciences.
The fees are £20 per workshop (£10 for PhD students). A limited number of bursaries to cover travel expenses for students are also available.
Full details about the workshops, as well as the online booking system can be found here.