Prior exposure: Bayesian data analysis workshops (ESRC Advanced Training Initiative)
Mark Andrews and I have just launched the web site for our Prior Exposure Bayesian Data Analysis workshop series. This is part of the ESRC Advanced Training Initiative.
Further details are available here.
The first two workshops are available for booking now (though places are filling up quite fast). They are primarily (but not exclusively) aimed at UK social science PhD students (so not just Psychology, but very much also Sociology, Criminology, Politics and other social science disciplines). We hope the workshops will also appeal to early career researchers and others doing quantitative social science research (but with little or no Bayesian experience).
The ESRC is supporting us with bursary funding for travel and subsistence (see web site for details).
Further details are available here.
The first two workshops are available for booking now (though places are filling up quite fast). They are primarily (but not exclusively) aimed at UK social science PhD students (so not just Psychology, but very much also Sociology, Criminology, Politics and other social science disciplines). We hope the workshops will also appeal to early career researchers and others doing quantitative social science research (but with little or no Bayesian experience).
The ESRC is supporting us with bursary funding for travel and subsistence (see web site for details).