Psych your mind has an interesting blog post on using p curves to detect dodgy stats in a a volume of published work (e.g., for a researcher or journal). The idea apparently comes from Uri Simonsohn (one of the authors of a recent paper on dodgy stats). The author (Michael W. Kraus) bravely plotted and published his own p curve - which looks reasonably 'healthy'. However, he makes an interesting point - which is that we don't know how useful these curves are in practice - which depends among other things on the variability inherent in the profile of p values.

I quickly threw together a simulation to address this in R. It is pretty limited (as I don't have much time right now), but potentially interesting. It simulates independent t test p values where the samples are drawn from independent, normal distributions with equal variances but different means (and n = 25 per group). The population standardized effect size is fixed at d = 0.5 (as psychology research generally reports median effect sizes around this value). Fixing the parameters is unrealistic, but is perhaps OK for a quick simulation.

I ran this several times and plotted p curves (really just histograms with bins collecting p values at relevant intervals). First I plotted for an early career researcher with just a few publications reporting 50 p values. I then repeated for more experienced researchers with n = 100 or n = 500 published p values.

Here are the 15 random plots for 50 p values:

At least one of the plots has a suspicious spike between p = .04 and .05 (exactly where dodgy practices would tend to push the p values).

What about 100 p values?

Here the plots are still variable (but closer to the theoretical ideal plotted on Kraus' blog).

You can see this pattern even more clearly with 500 p values:

Some quick conclusions ... The method is too unreliable for use with early career researchers. You need a few hundred p values to be pretty confidence of a nice flat pattern between p = .01 and p = .06. Varying the effect size and other parameters might well inject further noise (as would adding in null effects which have a uniform distribution of p values and are thus probably rather noisy).

I'm also skeptical that this is useful for detecting fraud (as presumably deliberate fraud will tend to go for 'impressive' p values such as p < .0001). Also (going forward) fraudsters will be able to generate results to circumvent tools such as p curves (if they are known to be in use).


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I have been thinking to write a paper about MANOVA (and in particular why it should be avoided) for some time, but never got round to it. However, I recently discovered an excellent article by Francis Huang that pretty much sums up most of what I'd cover. In this blog post I'll just run through the main issues and refer you to Francis' paper for a more in-depth critique or the section on MANOVA in Serious Stats (Baguley, 2012).

I wrote a brief introduction to logistic regression aimed at psychology students. You can take a look at the pdf here:  

A more comprehensive introduction in terms of the generalised linear model can be found in my book:

Baguley, T. (2012). Serious stats: a guide to advanced statistics for the behavioral sciences. Palgrave Macmillan.

I wrote a short blog (with R Code) on how to calculate corrected CIs for rho and tau using the Fisher z transformation.

I have written a short article on Type II versus Type III SS in ANOVA-like models on my Serious Stats blog:

I have just published a short blog on the Egon Pearson correction for the chi-square test. This includes links to an R function to run the corrected test (and also provides residual analyses for contingency tables).

The blog is here and the R function here.

Bayesian Data Analysis in the Social Sciences Curriculum

Supported by the ESRC’s Advanced Training Initiative

Venue:           Bowden Room Nottingham Conference Centre

Burton Street, Nottingham, NG1 4BU

Booking information online

Provisional schedule:


Thom Baguley   twitter: @seriousstats

Mark Andrews  twitter: @xmjandrews

The third and (possibly) final round of the workshops of our introductory workshops was overbooked in April, but we have managed to arrange some additional dates in June.

There are still places left on these. More details at:

As with the last round we are planning a free R workshop before hand (reccomended if you need a refresher or have never used R before).

In my Serious Stats blog I have a new post on providing CIs for a difference between independent R square coefficients.

You can find the post there or go direct to the function hosted on RPubs. I have been experimenting with knitr  but can't yet get the html from R Markdown to work with my blogger or wordpress blogs.
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