Psych your mind has an interesting blog post on using p curves to detect dodgy stats in a a volume of published work (e.g., for a researcher or journal). The idea apparently comes from Uri Simonsohn (one of the authors of a recent paper on dodgy stats). The author (Michael W. Kraus) bravely plotted and published his own p curve - which looks reasonably 'healthy'. However, he makes an interesting point - which is that we don't know how useful these curves are in practice - which depends among other things on the variability inherent in the profile of p values.

I quickly threw together a simulation to address this in R. It is pretty limited (as I don't have much time right now), but potentially interesting.

I'm not a big fan of the term "nonparametric statistics", or at least how it is used in psychology and related fields (e.g., education and health research). This is one reason why I don't make a big deal of the parametric/non-parametric distinction in my  Serious stats book and probably partly why a recent article in APS Observer annoyed me so much.

I have just published R code for calculating CIs for differences between correlations on the Serious stats book blog. This covers independent correlations (taken from chapter 6 of the book) and dependent correlations (new R code written as a supplement to chapter 6).

UPDATE on the update ...

I have also added an Excel spreadsheet that should match the R output (though the latter is probably more accurate and reliable).

This is a quick update to announce my new blog Serious Stats. This is a companion to my forthcoming book of the same name:

Baguley, T. (2012, in press). Serious stats: A guide to advanced statistics for the behavioral sciences. Basingstoke: Palgrave.

I think is better to separate book specific content out from my regular posts (though in some cases this will be a bit fuzzy). I will also try and post short updates here when something relevant gets published on the blog for the book.

A longer version of my earlier post A problem of significance just appeared in The Psychologist.

Baguley, T. (2012). Can we be confident in our statistics? The Psychologist. 25, 128-9.

Shortly after publication I received an email asking about statistical analysis of differences in correlations. This is more tricky than you might think. I'm working on some R code to implement one of the better approaches and plan to blog on this shortly ...
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