Chi-square test of independence and the odds ratio
Every time I teach an introductory statistics course I'm struck by how difficult it is to run a simple 2 by 2 chi-square test of independence. SPSS is one of the worst culprits (but even in R it almost seems more trouble than it is worth to use a computer). One solution is calculate it by hand (and that's what I do in my introductory classes). This leaves me with a practical problem - how can I quickly and easily calculate solutions to practical exercises, check student work or calculate chi-square statistics for my own work?
I've mostly assumed that my solution is so obvious that it is what most statistics teachers do. I just set up an Excel spreadsheet that calculates the chi-square statistic, degrees of freedom and p value for a 2 by 2 table.
I've mostly assumed that my solution is so obvious that it is what most statistics teachers do. I just set up an Excel spreadsheet that calculates the chi-square statistic, degrees of freedom and p value for a 2 by 2 table.