As a quick follow-up to my previous post, I'll quickly note some R links specifically aimed at psychologists. Jonathan Baron and Yuelin Li have a excellent set of notes that cover ground from R basics to ANOVA (including repeated measures ANOVA) and beyond. Jonathan Baron also maintains a general set of R links. William Revelle's R guide for psychological research is also very good and has more emphasis on psychometrics than Baron and Li.

Pilgrim's blog is an R resource for the exercises in the classic Applied Multiple Regression/Correlation Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences text.

I've just presented a talk on at the Statistics for Psychology Students workshop for the HEA Psychology Network in York. Richard Rowe (Psychology, Sheffield) gave an interesting talk on teaching statistics via inquiry based learning. Part of the work involved using getting students to generate their own research questions in a tutorial and then analyzing data addressing these questions in a follow-up tutorial.
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